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Art Club – September
Welcome to Art Club online – where the Incinerator Gallery comes to you.
Our art educator Gina Panebianco invites you to learn about animals in art from the comfort of your own home. Gina shares with us how animals have been used in art to symbolise love and represent our fears. All in time to celebrate World Animal Day on 4 October.
This presentation is divided loosely into three themes:
- real and imagined
- symbolic and mythical
- natural and fantastical
Suggested art making activities and links are available below.
Please take a photo of your favourite galleries, museums, artists, artworks and your drawings and share them on Instagram, Facebook, or our Facebook Group Incinerator Art Club.
Use the hashtag #IncineratorGallery so everyone can share and support each other, just as we do during the program at Incinerator Gallery.
Amazing Animals
Film recommendation, The Final Passage, a 28 minute cinematic journey through the 36,000 year old Chauvet Painted Cave narrated by Marianne Faithfull.
Create imaginary creatures
Watch the videos below for inspiration, ideas, materials and techniques to create a crazy bird or dog or any animal you like.
Experiment with the materials you have on hand at home.
Explore different colours or just use the lines and patterns – it’s your choice so do whatever you would like to do.
Remember accidents and mistakes are part of the creative process and fabulous opportunities to explore further.
- pens, textas or pencils
- glue stick, clag, PVA or homemade glue
- scissors or an eraser
- paints, inks or food dyes
- paper, photocopy paper or anotebook, even the blank sides of old cards or discarded packgaging is suitable
More ideas for amazing animals in art
The videos below are offerred as inspiration for your own art making.