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Art Club – August
Welcome to Art Club online – where the Incinerator Gallery comes to you.
Our art educator Gina Panebianco invites you to learn about mirrors in art from the comfort of your own home. Artworks in the this presentation have mirrors, which are integral to the interpretation and meaning of these artworks. Gina provides an overview from 3,500 years ago until the 19th century, during some of which time mirrors were throught to posess magical qualities.
Please take a photo of your favourite galleries, museums, artists, artworks and your drawings and share them on Instagram, Facebook, or our Facebook Group Incinerator Art Club.
Use the hashtag #IncineratorGallery so everyone can share and support each other, just as we do during the program at Incinerator Gallery.
Reflections: Seen and unseen
Draw your refelction in a spoon
Watch the videos below for excellent drawing tips on how to draw metal and shiny surfaces, and your own reflection in a spoon.
Have fun creating lots of self portraits using this technique with other reflective surfaces at home – saucepans and lids, kettle, storage jars, vases, mirrors in your batchroom or even the side mirror of your car.
Experiment with different drawing tools – pencils, biros, crayons, charcoal and different sizes and types of paper.
Explore different facial expressions, changes in lighting and get into the scope of distortion in your image making.
- soft pencils – B, 2B, 4B, 6B, coloured felt pens or pencils
- erasers – soft or hard
- paper – white or light coloured paper, or notebook and journal papers
Artful selfies
Create your self portrait using the camera in your mobile phone.
Watch the videos below for great tips on how to use your phone to create interesting self portraits.