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Incy Wincy Babies — October
Welcome to Incy Wincy Babies Online – where the Incinerator Gallery comes to you.
This month our Barking Spider Visual Theatre artist Laura invites you to join in this creative activity from the comfort and safety of your own home.
Please take a photo or video of your sensory discovery bottles and share on Instagram, Facebook.
Use the hashtag #IncineratorGallery so everyone can share just as we do during the program at Incinerator Gallery.
Homemade Baby Sensory Box
October’s play activity is an exploration of sound, texture, colour and shape. We’ll be creating our own baby sensory boxes!
To make your own sensory box you will need to find a small cardboard box, such as a tea or a tissue box. You will also need to collect some materials to explore colour and texture with.
Here are some examples of materials you could use:
- cellophane in different colours
- bubble wrap
- textured wrapping paper
You will also need scissors, tape and something noisy to fill the box with.
Here are some pantry items you could use:
- rice
- lentils
- pasta
Please be sure to monitor your child when playing with your homemade sensory box. Use plenty of tape on the external parts of the box to prevent tearing and spillage of the contents.
As you and your baby explore the box, encourage them to feel the different textured materials on the box.
What can you hear?
If you move the box slowly what sound is made?
If you shake the box really fast how is the sound different?
What colours can we see on the outside of the box?
What shapes?
Can we see through any windows into the box?
What’s inside making the sound?
As always there’s no right or wrong way to create or explore and I encourage you to be playful and creative when selecting materials to construct your own baby sensory box!
Have fun!