L’hétérosexualité samoane est une performance chrétienne pour l’honte-temps grégorien/
Samoan heterosexuality is a Church performance for Gregorian shame-time

video (duration 5 minutes, 56 seconds)

Sāmoan artist, curator and researcher, Dr Léuli Eshrāghi presents a recent video performance titled L’hétérosexualité samoane est une performance chrétienne pour l’honte-temps grégorien / Sāmoan heterosexuality is a Church performance for Gregorian shame-time (2019). This performance venerates the fluidity of (pre-colonial, pre-Christian) Sāmoan sexuality and gender through five gestures that incorporate natural and bodily waters. The poetic verse is spoken in French (with a smaller English version listed below), and reads as a series of amorous-erotic lines to accompany the five gestures.

This performance consists of five gestures (saltwater on hands as ancestral veneration, golden showers on shoulders and chest as care, cumlined chest and arms as chosen kinship, intentional hand massage as healing traumas, shared breath affirmation as living beyond Western taboos). These allude to non-heteronormative Indigenous desire and pleasure in the precolonial Pōula ceremony from the Sāmoan archipelago, beyond Christian pain as a mirror to Indigenous self in all colonized territories. Drawing on the faletele architectural form, a half-oval of bowls is activated with the different waters during the performance. Video documentation of the performance realized by asinnajaq and Dayna Danger.


Léuli Eshrāghi

leuli eshraghi

L’hétérosexualité samoane est une performance chrétienne pour l’honte-temps grégorien


[Sueur/eau salée entre mes mains]


Ces jours, ces déserts-là à Mparntwe

M’ont appris le savoir chaleureux

Donner et recevoir, songer et réaliser

Amour tendresse sentiments ardents

Le regard est léger, le toucher est continu

Le regain de vivre est fort, la perspective est réelle


Tout sauf aride, Lhere Mparntwe

M’a appris le savoir chaleureux

Ces étendues sablonneuses et fluides ancestrales

Me saluant comme si je leur étais familier

L’étreinte montant les escaliers d’avion

L’horizon se défilant à perte de vue, de pensée,

Est si bien connu des Nations locales


[Averses dorées sur mes épaules et mon torse]


Toi, bel être moite, collant, épais

Venant vers, autour et en moi

Tonnerre tropical distant à même là

Pas de maladies équatoriales en vue

Quoique, tant de douleur de domination de colonisation abritée en ces terres

Bien-être aux plaies

Ouverture aux foyers

Nos chevelures longues dansant dans le vent venu au soleil couchant


J’enveloppe mon ʻie lavalava

Autour de tes mains guérisseuses

Autour de tes cuisses épaisses

Je te montre des univers en devenir

De toutes les rives d’océans profonds

Çà et là, tu me montres des univers

Dédiés au rendre possible

Comme les pluies qui s’en viendront


[Sperme versé sur mon torse et mes bras]


Sau e tāʻele i auro ma aʻu

Viens te laver aux averses dorées avec moi

Sau e ʻai muli, e ʻai mimisā

Viens bouffer du cul, manger du sperme sacré

À Tiohtià:ke, Mooniyang, Montréal

Dans cette ville francophone autochtone allochtone

Cette confluence des fluides

Cette aire multilingue plurielle possible où je me retrouve

Nous porterons des colliers de coquillages et du tissu d’écorce autour de la taille

Avec le cordon en fibres de coco comme les ancêtres l’ont fait

Dans tous ces portraits hantant gesticulant habitant depuis

Collections muséales coloniales sur peuples damnés, voués à l’inexistence

Maints traumatismes infligés par missionnaires, planteurs, agents néfastes passés et actuels


‘O ā lau gafa faʻaauro?

Quelles sont tes généalogies dorées ?

En pose d’homme-araignée

Nous parcourrons le plancher l’un vers l’autre

‘Ou te fiafia i ʻai muli ma alu loloto ia ʻoe

J’adore te bouffer les fesses, aller profondément en toi

Aujourd’hui j’ai envie d’une nouvelle histoire autochtone du Grand Océan

Non plus plate, point pacifique

Née dans la pénombre d’avant toute existence historicisée par les Lumières éteintes d’une Europe et de ses colonies de peuplement de militourisme d’écarts creusés en quête d’équilibre et d’épuration de ses excès racisés, hétéroformels

La nuit du début des univers : pō

Pourrait-elle nous libérer une fois pour toutes ?

L’hétérosexualité samoane est une performance chrétienne pour l’honte-temps grégorien

Songeons alors aux liaisons possibles entre fruits préférés, aux ébats sans pudeur limitante


[Massage des mains, pincement des tétons]


Chaleur + sécheresse

Soleil battant + alcools infinis

Après les restos et les bars, les piscines et les baignoires

Des amants au savoir chaleureux, aux corps luisants

La sueur coule sur ton dos, sur mon front et mon torse

Envoyant d’étreintes à travers nos lignées de chair,

Nos géographies sensuelles, nos constellations liées

Les corps se rapprochant de plus en plus près

Et profondément sur le bord de l’infini

S’étirant et atteignant plus loin encore


Je te masse les mains, les jambes, les pieds, les bras, la tête

Tu me tends ton corps à dominer

Je masse de l’huile de coco, de l’eau de coco, de fibre de coco

Depuis l’ancêtre Tuna jusqu’à moi

Tout prendre, tout ressentir, tout partager

Les langues poussent jusqu’où notre plaisir dépassera aujourd’hui

Ce soir nous parlerons de mouvements de douleurs de limites voulues exsangues

La pression de tout transcender, guérir, survivre

S’embrasser pour se lier de tendresse

Lécher pour s’ouvrir à d’autres univers

Les corps luisant dans une frénésie dansante pourpre sacrée : ula

Pour redevenir terre/sol/sang : toto

Pour redevenir possible par de gestes scintillants faisant de l’éphémère, réalité


[Partage du souffle avec quelqu’un du public]

Sāmoan heterosexuality is a Church performance for Gregorian shame-time


[Sweat/saltwater between my hands]

These days, these deserts in Mparntwe

Have taught me warm knowing

Giving and receiving, dreaming and realizing

Love tenderness burning affections

The gaze is light, the touch is steady

The new life is strong, the prospect is real


Anything but arid, Lhere Mparntwe

Has taught me warm knowing

These ancestral sandy and fluid expanses

Greeting me as if already known to them

The embrace climbing the airplane steps

The horizon stretching as far as the eye and mind can see

Is so well known to local Nations

[Golden showers over my shoulders and chest]

You, beautiful, sweaty being, sticky, thick

Coming to, around and in me

Tropical thunder in the distance even here

No equatorial diseases in sight

Though, so much pain from domination from colonization held in these lands

Wellbeing for wounds

Openness for hearths

Our long hair dancing in the wind that comes with the setting sun


I wrap my ʻie lavalava

Around your healer hands

Around your thick thighs

I show you worlds in becoming

From all the shores of deep oceans

Now and then, you show me worlds

Dedicated to making possible

Like the rains that will come


[Cum poured on my chest and arms]

Sau e tāʻele i auro ma aʻu

Come wash in golden showers with me

Sau e ʻai muli, e ʻai mimisā

Come eat ass, eat sacred cum

In Tiohtià:ke, Mooniyang, Montréal

In this francophone Indigenous non-Indigenous city

This confluence of fluids

This possible plural multilingual zone where I find myself

We’ll wear shell necklaces and barkcloth around the waist

With the coconut fibre rope like the Ancestors did

In all these haunting, gesticulating, inhabiting portraits since

Colonial museum collections on damned peoples, doomed to non-existence

Numerous traumas inflicted by past and present missionaries, planters, harmful agents


‘O ā lau gafa faʻaauro?

What are your golden genealogies?

In spiderman pose

We’ll cross the floor to each other

‘Ou te fiafia i ʻai muli ma alu loloto ia ʻoe

I love eating your ass, going deep inside you

Today I’m in the mood for a new Indigenous history of the Great Ocean

No longer flat, never pacified

Born in the darkness from before any existence historicized by the extinguished Enlightenment

From that Europe and its settler, militourist, widened gap colonies

Seeking balance and purification for racialized, heteroformal excesses

The night of the beginning of worlds: pō

Could it free us once and for all?

Sāmoan heterosexuality is a Church performance for Gregorian shame-time

Let’s think then of possible connections between favourite fruits, of shameless sex



[Massage hands, pinch nipples]



Heat + drought

Beating sun + endless alcohol

After restaurants and bars, swimming pools and bathtubs

Lovers in warm knowing, in shiny bodies

Sweat runs down your back, down my forehead and chest

Sending embraces through our cumlines,

Our sensual geographies, our related constellations

Bodies come closer and closer together

And deeper on the edge of infinity

Reaching out and reaching even further


I massage your hands, legs, feet, arms, head

You give me your body to dominate

I massage coconut oil, coconut water, coconut fibre

From Ancestor Tuna to me

Take it all, feel it all, share it all

Tongues grow to where our pleasure will go beyond today

Tonight, we’ll speak about movements pains and strained boundaries

Pressures to transcend everything, to heal, to survive

Kissing to bond through tenderness

Licking to open up to other worlds

Bodies glistening in a sacred purple dancing frenzy: ula

To become earth/soil/blood again: toto

To become possible again through shimmering gestures making the ephemeral a reality



[Share breath with someone in the audience]

Sāmoan heterosexuality is a Church performance for Gregorian shame-time


[Sweat/saltwater between my hands]

These days, these deserts in Mparntwe

Have taught me warm knowing

Giving and receiving, dreaming and realizing

Love tenderness burning affections

The gaze is light, the touch is steady

The new life is strong, the prospect is real


Anything but arid, Lhere Mparntwe

Has taught me warm knowing

These ancestral sandy and fluid expanses

Greeting me as if already known to them

The embrace climbing the airplane steps

The horizon stretching as far as the eye and mind can see

Is so well known to local Nations

[Golden showers over my shoulders and chest]

You, beautiful, sweaty being, sticky, thick

Coming to, around and in me

Tropical thunder in the distance even here

No equatorial diseases in sight

Though, so much pain from domination from colonization held in these lands

Wellbeing for wounds

Openness for hearths

Our long hair dancing in the wind that comes with the setting sun


I wrap my ʻie lavalava

Around your healer hands

Around your thick thighs

I show you worlds in becoming

From all the shores of deep oceans

Now and then, you show me worlds

Dedicated to making possible

Like the rains that will come


[Cum poured on my chest and arms]

Sau e tāʻele i auro ma aʻu

Come wash in golden showers with me

Sau e ʻai muli, e ʻai mimisā

Come eat ass, eat sacred cum

In Tiohtià:ke, Mooniyang, Montréal

In this francophone Indigenous non-Indigenous city

This confluence of fluids

This possible plural multilingual zone where I find myself

We’ll wear shell necklaces and barkcloth around the waist

With the coconut fibre rope like the Ancestors did

In all these haunting, gesticulating, inhabiting portraits since

Colonial museum collections on damned peoples, doomed to non-existence

Numerous traumas inflicted by past and present missionaries, planters, harmful agents


‘O ā lau gafa faʻaauro?

What are your golden genealogies?

In spiderman pose

We’ll cross the floor to each other

‘Ou te fiafia i ʻai muli ma alu loloto ia ʻoe

I love eating your ass, going deep inside you

Today I’m in the mood for a new Indigenous history of the Great Ocean

No longer flat, never pacified

Born in the darkness from before any existence historicized by the extinguished Enlightenment

From that Europe and its settler, militourist, widened gap colonies

Seeking balance and purification for racialized, heteroformal excesses

The night of the beginning of worlds: pō

Could it free us once and for all?

Sāmoan heterosexuality is a Church performance for Gregorian shame-time

Let’s think then of possible connections between favourite fruits, of shameless sex



[Massage hands, pinch nipples]



Heat + drought

Beating sun + endless alcohol

After restaurants and bars, swimming pools and bathtubs

Lovers in warm knowing, in shiny bodies

Sweat runs down your back, down my forehead and chest

Sending embraces through our cumlines,

Our sensual geographies, our related constellations

Bodies come closer and closer together

And deeper on the edge of infinity

Reaching out and reaching even further


I massage your hands, legs, feet, arms, head

You give me your body to dominate

I massage coconut oil, coconut water, coconut fibre

From Ancestor Tuna to me

Take it all, feel it all, share it all

Tongues grow to where our pleasure will go beyond today

Tonight, we’ll speak about movements pains and strained boundaries

Pressures to transcend everything, to heal, to survive

Kissing to bond through tenderness

Licking to open up to other worlds

Bodies glistening in a sacred purple dancing frenzy: ula

To become earth/soil/blood again: toto

To become possible again through shimmering gestures making the ephemeral a reality



[Share breath with someone in the audience]