Jemima Lucas, Tell me what you are. Will you hold me in your arms?, 2021, Stripped trampoline, cast latex, springs, mild steel hammered spike, eyelets, stainless steel fixings
Jemima Lucas, Tell me what you are. Will you hold me in your arms?, 2021, Stripped trampoline, cast latex, aluminium oyster, eyelets, tempered mild steel spiked hooks
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Tell me what you are. Will you hold me in your arms?

18 March 2022 - 3 April 2022


Artist(s): Jemima Lucas

Location: The Atrium

Jemima Lucas is a Naarm-based artist whose practice explores the movement and agencies between material, architecture, and viewer. In Tell me what you are. Will you hold me in your arms? Jemima invites the viewer to become a subject within an immersive work, enabling a site for participation and to consider poetic-bodily fragmentation. Suspended in the Atrium, a large-scale sculpture envelopes the entrance with a membrane-like barrier, pertaining to a space for danger and transformation. This exhibition situates the architecture of Incinerator Gallery and anthropomorphic materials as active conduits for the viewer, suggesting a body that is boundless and not confined to the barriers of the skin.

"My work threatens ones perception of the non penetrability of the body. It wants to prod, poke a hole in the very composition of our body, our society. Of which disciplinary powers beseech conformity and placidity. It casts light on the control that we adhere to in our day to day lives and pierces through that reality - offering autonomy as a proposed action of resistance."
— Jemima Lucas, Will You Hurt Me? (2021)

Jemima Lucas' practice investigates productive powers between psychological and materially opposed gestures of control and release/power and agency. Her material assemblages hold allegorical potential, situating the works as active conduits for the body. Through balanced expressions of perpetration and yield, antithetical forces negotiate their impact on one another.

Materials act as the primary point of departure in Jemima's practice; Jemima acknowledges the First Nations people on the lands from which she sources them. The gravity of which is felt when she mixes sand into a cement, mixes scoria to investwelds steel, pours latex and casts aluminium. All are mined from unceded Indigenous Land. Jemima pays respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

Artist and Curator Talk
Saturday 26 March, 1pm


Join artist Jemima Lucas and Incinerator Gallery curator Jake Treacy for a discussion of Jemima’s project Tell me what you are. Will you hold me in your arms?