19 June 2020 - 16 August 2020
Artist(s): Tijn Meulendijks
Gramineae is both digital art exhibition and online research by Netherlands-born, Cairns-based artist Tijn Meulendijks. Presented via the Incinerator Gallery website, this project documents the collaborative research, conservation and growth of native grasses across the high, mid and low-lands of North Queensland.
Combining environmentalism, eco-science and a contemporary arts practice, Meulendijks seeks to demonstrate our integral impact and relationship to an ecosystem. Spanning over two months and released in weekly episodes, this project will culminate in the creation of a large-scale grass-sculpture harvested, sewn and grown entirely within the artist’s studio.
You can view the online exhibition here.
Image credit: Gramineae 2015, plant material, soil, paper. Image courtesy of the artist.