Fireworks 2019
26 February 2019 - 24 March 2019
Opening night: Friday, 1 March, 6pm–8pm
Shortlisted Artists in 2019:
Olga Alexandrou, Gabriel Atienza, Sarah Barrett, Luke Bushnell, Tristan Chan, Yinglin Chen, Tess Chiera, Michael Chow, Natalie Cierpisz, Alannah Cutajar, Liefke Davey, Wendy Davies, Kathryn Dellaportas, Cori Emmolo, Isabella Iliovski, Elaine Irons, Hannah Johansson, Alexandra Tenuta, Raelee McNab, Tiana Monteleone, Jessica Nguyen, Alicia Papadopoulos, Benjamin Roberts, Moira Rodriguez, Jerval Sassine, Gabrielle Saundry, Olivia Siracusa, Mardi Sutherland, Alexander LoMoro, Jennifer Tran, Minh Tran, Robert Vasil, Nicole Yan
Fireworks is Moonee Valley’s annual art and design exhibition and award for VCE students who live, work, or study in Moonee Valley.
Award winners 2019
The $500 Fireworks Art Award: Olga Alexandrou, Entropy, 2018, oil on cotton, wood, nails (Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School)
“Even in painting, one lives the perennial human anxiety of exorcising death with a visual intensification of the objects and figures of everyday life, that somewhat extends life to the indefinite. You can paint it… to fix the decay… embalm the moment of full or late splendour that just precedes the annihilation.”
Luciano Anelli
With this quote in mind I have considered the fear of losing loved ones. A dread which concerns us all. This painting has been created to celebrate someone close to me. Not only providing an opportunity to improve my skills, but also proving my capacity to release something important to me by then destroying it.
The $500 Fireworks Design Award: Jennifer Tran, Incarnate, 2018, digital animation, digital print, foamboard (Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School)
My client Incarnate is an indie brand, known for their high quality makeup and fragrance products. They requested a design for a perfume bottle that reflects the dark oriental-floral scent of their new fragrance. My final design is visually captivating and will appeal to their target demographic of women aged 18 to 28 years with mid to higher socio-economic levels.
The $200 Mayoral Award for Excellence in Art: Elaine Irons, Caricouture, 2018, lace, beads, satin, faux fur on silk dupion (St Columba’s College Essendon)
This garment explores the idea that contemporary high fashion has become a caricature of style. The coat represents the expressive and attention grabbing qualities created through the exaggerated embellishments and features designers use to be noticed and succeed in the contemporary world of fashion.
The $200 Mayoral Award for Excellence in Design: Alexander LoMoro, Charles, 2018, wood, foam core, paper, stainless steel, acrylic paint, LCD display, ABS plastic (Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School)
The idea behind this product ‘Charles’ was to capitalise on the benefits of keyless entry while simplifying the process of logging attendance of staff and students in the school. This design accompanied the working software for the product. I created an enclosure that would not only be functional but be stylish to appeal to potential buyers who may purchase the system on their building.
The People’s Choice Award $200 art supplies voucher, voted by the public: