Sam Harrison, Buttlerfly Effect (detail), 2019, acrylic and pen on MDF board.
(False)-Relationality installation view, 2021, with Aunty Cynthia Hardie, Nikau Hindin and Dean Cross.
Sam Harrison, Scientia est Potestas (1) and Scientia est Potestas (2) 2021, oil on canvas
Michael Tuhanuku, No Worries 2021, tapa, projection, spoken word.
Dean Cross, Untitled (Self Portrait as Water and Clay) 2016, HD video
(False)-Relationality installation view, 2021, with Sam Harrison and Jenna Rain Warwick.
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9 April 2021 - 6 June 2021

Curator: Moorina Bonnini and Tyson Campbell.

Artist(s): Dean Cross, Aunty Cynthia Hardie, Sam Harrison, Nikau Hindin, Michael Tuhanuku, and Jenna Rain Warwick.

Location: Main Gallery

(False)–Relationality presents complex questions surrounding the agency of place, and Indigenous ways of Knowing. Artists from both the ‘So-Called-Australian’ and New Zealand contexts, use their artistic practices and lived-experience to broach these dynamics in critical and emancipatory ways.

Relationality is a foundational pillar for an Indigenous way of Knowing, enmeshing the material and immaterial worlds into a matrix of relations that inform our reality of the world around us. Lore and Tikanga are ways of doing, a conceptual framework based on notions of ancestral continuum and the passing down of codes, which embed land, sea, and sky within our consciousness. As relationships do not merely shape our reality, but are our reality, an Indigenous onto-epistemology emerges. The Indigenous world preferences the doing as equal importance to knowing, and cannot be separated from each other. We hold relational accountability with our community and whakawhanaunga, with Country and Whenua and with the Dreaming.

Yarning Circle – Saturday 17 April, 1pm 

Join the curators and artists of (False)-Relationality for an in-person yarning circle at Incinerator Gallery. Critical dialogue and thoughts will be exchanged between each other as they discuss and critique the foundational ideas that drive the show. This yarning circle will be opened by Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder Ringo Terrick with a Welcome to Country.

Bookings essential.