Amna Hamid
18 October 2019 - 14 February 2020
Artist(s): Amna Hamid
Along Keilor Road, Niddrie VIC 3042
In this photographic series Amna Hamid documents the work of chef Seba Hadara from Cakesnplates.
Ever since I was young, I’ve loved being in the kitchen. I learn through tactile experiences and hands on activities, and I realised my lack of motivation at school was an indication that I’m a kinaesthetic learner and the teaching methods weren’t accommodating that. When I was 16 I applied for my first certificate in kitchen operations and at 17 I travelled to different counties to experience the wonders of many cuisines.
Seeing the intricacy and beauty in creating A grade dishes and desserts at a professional level is when I knew this was the career I wanted to pursue, no matter how challenging it may be. I thrive in the kitchen, a place where I can express my passion and creativity.
Baking has helped me learn who I am, and has blessed me with the ability to escape into a different world as soon I step in the kitchen. I truly feel that when you bake with love, everyone will love what you bake.